Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Spray Foam Is More Effective Than Fiberglass – CPS Energy Study

Spray Foam Pros Contact Info: 4611 S 96th St #304 Omaha, NE 68127 (402) 261-1972

An interesting study conducted by CPS Energy in  San Antonio Texas is providing some very interesting results. CPS Energy had three homes with identical floor plans and varying degrees of efficiency. All three homes were sold with the understanding that the owners energy consumption would be closely monitored for this research project. One home was built to the builders standards, the second home had high efficiency appliances, heating and cooling system installed plus a combination of foam and fiberglass insulation. The third home used the same features as the second home but in addition it has solar roof tiles and spray foam insulation.

The study is about halfway complete and the US Dept of Energy is also keeping an eye on the findings. So far the findings show that spray foam insulation is proving to be more efficient than fiberglass because it does a better job of sealing the home and thus creating a “thermal envelop”.

Interestingly enough, the third home which has the solar panels and spray foam insulation has 70% fewer changes in the air temperature per hour than the first home which was built to the usual standards. The second home which has better insulation than the base home performed with 40% fewer air temperature changes. Previously most homes were built with fiberglass batting about 6 inches thick but it didn’t significantly reduce air flow and was expensive.

Some utility companies provide a rebate program to incentivize home owners who use spray foam insulation. There are also some Federal tax rebates for spray foam insulation as well. As you can see foam insulation significantly out performs fiberglass insulation.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Spray Foam Insulation Is The Insulate For The 22nd Century!

Spray foam insulation is one of the most efficient and cost effective (even though it’s a tad more expensive than it’s cousin insulation technologies like fiberglass) types of insulation you can use. When insulating a home, the main goal is to block air from outside and insulating air inside the home so it can’t escape. Thus you don’t lose any of the efficiency and power you spent money on to heat or cool the home down.

Spray foam insulation is in a semi-liquid state in a compressed canister. It’s activated by the air around it and grows to several times it’s original size. The growing phase is important and lends part of the efficiency part of the equation. It expands filling in any cracks, holes, or inefficiencies in the infrastructure that allows air to either escape or outside air to penetrate the homes walls. Even a tiny hole can let enough cold or hot air in to cause a small percentage of inefficiency which can cost you more money.

Using fiberglass insulation is very effective but spray foam insulation picks up where the fiberglass leaves off, filling in the missed anomalies. If you can afford it you should go all spray foam insulation because, on the whole, it is the most effective, the most efficient and the easiest to install. You just spray it in and let it expand to link all your different areas together into an air tight container.

If you sprayed your attic (which, if you can afford to only do one large room, the attic is where you should apply this type of insulation) and even covered up the doorway you got into the attic from, and stayed in that room, you’d likely suffocate from lack of air.

If you can’t get enough air to breathe and it would need to be pumped in by a vent etc that leads to the inside of the home, then this would mean that air is far less likely to escape or outside air to penetrate your home. Imagine what would happen if all your walls and attic spaces were filled with this spray foam insulation.

Get more information about Omaha spray foam insulation here:

Spray Foam Pros   
4611 S 96th St, #304
Omaha, NE 68127
(402) 261-1972